Promoting a Ticket
If a ticket has been identified as a problem, (i.e., the problem affects more than one user with similar symptoms) or the ticket can only be resolved with a change to resources in your organization, you can promote the ticket to a problem or change request. If you know the incident, problem, change request already exists and that other technicians are working on a resolution, you should link to the incident, service request, problem, or change request via the Related Items tab.
See Promotion in Leveraging ChangeGear Integration Features for a complete explanation of the workflow states.
Note: You can promote service requests to any ticket module, (e.g., incidents, problems, and change requests). However, no modules can promote to service request due to the multiple form types available for service requests, (e.g., Access request, Move request, etc.).
To promote a ticket:
Open the affected ticket.
Promote on the toolbar. The Select Items dialog displays.
Search for an existing incident, problem, or change request by entering a search term in the search field, selecting an appropriate tab (e.g., Problems, RFCs), and clicking the Findbutton.
If a problem, incident or change request already exists in the system, select the item and click Promote to a Selected Item,
- OR -
If a ticket does not exist in the system, click on a particular button Promote to a new..... to create a new ticket in another ticket module.
A confirmation dialog displays. You can view the ticket using the link on the confirmation dialog.
Click OK to return to the ticket.
After a ticket has been promoted, the associated ticket appears in the Related Items tab of the service request.